Português: Logotipo oficial: HTML 5

So, I’ve been beavering away over the summer on the book I started a few years ago and have been struggling to get any headway with ever since. I did manage to get the first couple of chapters shipshape at the beginning of the year, but now I’ve completed five and there’s another one in the works as well. This is the crystallisation of stuff I’ve been teaching at Ravensbourne for the last seven years, and indeed things that have obsessed me for the last twenty. So you could say I’ve been dawdling. But on the other hand, we’re at a very exciting time for the subject matter I’m covering. Television really does look like it’s about to transform irreversibly now, and there are technical possibilities on the horizon thanks to HTML 5‘s integration of media, and scripting libraries such as Popcorn.js. I’m really looking forward to being a part of that future.

Head over to www.endof.tv to read the chapters. Note that the chapters are in reverse order on the main page, though, as blogging software will list in reverse chronology. Hope you like what I’ve written…


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