MintArts.comE-commerce has been one of the main drivers of the Internet age, with sites like Amazon and Ebay becoming household names from nowhere in scarcely a decade. Their popularity has changed the face of retail in the “real world” forever. The latest trend of the last couple of years has been the flash sale, pioneered by Groupon but emulated by others too numerous to mention. The online store is applying these ideas to the art world. I helped MintArts build its e-commerce site using the Prestashop platform. This free but extremely powerful system can run a very complex online store, filled with products in many categories, and great AJAX functionality. It’s also a very complicated platform to work with, using individual module templates for every little function. But it works well. I can’t take any credit for the beautiful artwork and its presentation on the site, just the implementation of the technology that makes it function.

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