Google Minus – Reporting from VIRCOMM 2013

It was highly ironic this week to sit through an entire day’s worth of conference presentations at VIRCOMM 2013, an event for online community professionals, and hardly hear Google+ mentioned at all. In fact, the service was only brought up in the context of commenting about how nobody was referring to it during the conference. […]

Popcorn.js Experiments – Part 1

  Popcorn.js is a great library of script commands for controlling video, and triggering events from the timeline to make the content more interactive, created under the auspices of the Mozilla Foundation. It’s a powerful library that has been described as jQuery for video. I wanted to try out its possibilities for something artistic, inspired […]

Why the Wisdom of Crowds is not enough on its own

Social media has been around for a few years, and has now reached the stage where people are starting to forecast its impending demise. They cite the saturation of Facebook memberships in some Western countries, and indeed its contraction in a few of them. David Cameron has led the vocal backlash against the perceived misuse […]