Tennant’s Extra

One of my proudest moments of 2012 was the project I worked on with the Royal Shakespeare Company based around Tim Crouch’s play I, Cinna. A few months ago, the Royal Shakespeare Company contacted me again to help run a similar event, only this time even bigger. The new project will be taking place on […]

I, Cinna Success

On Monday 2nd July 2012, Ravensbourne hosted the I, Cinna event I mentioned in a previous blog post. This brought together the talents of students from a wide range of course backgrounds, as well as providing a rich collaboration with the Royal Shakespeare Company, Cisco, educational network provider Janet, and the London Organising Committee of […]

Kill him for his bad verses!

In just two weeks’ time, a project I have been working on for the last six months with Ravenbourne students, The Royal Shakespeare Company, networking company Cisco, and educational Internet provider Ja.net will be reaching its conclusion. The event is primarily based around a play written by Tim Crouch called I, Cinna (The Poet), which […]