David Tennant in Richard II

One of my proudest moments of 2012 was the project I worked on with the Royal Shakespeare Company based around Tim Crouch’s play I, Cinna. A few months ago, the Royal Shakespeare Company contacted me again to help run a similar event, only this time even bigger. The new project will be taking place on the 15th November, and will again consist of a play streamed over the Internet into schools via a website created by Ravensbourne students from the Web Media BA programme I run, embedded in a live studio event broadcast from Ravensbourne’s TV studio and manned by Ravensbourne broadcasting students.

The really exciting news is that this time the play will be a full version of Shakespeare’s Richard II, starring the incredibly popular actor David Tennant. The play will also be streaming into cinemas, and the event has already garnered considerable interest from the mainstream media, including the BBC. Where the I, Cinna event was enjoyed by over 9,000 schoolchildren, the Royal Shakespeare Company is expecting 60,000 to watch the Richard II event. It’s a very exciting project to be working on, albeit very likely to be fraught with pressure. You can read more about it in the Royal Shakespeare Company’s press release.

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